Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS)
The Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS) is a valued partner program at CIRP. The CChIPS method applies the science of biomechanical epidemiology to the analysis of pediatric injury prevention data. A unique and comprehensive approach, biomechanical epidemiology integrates the principles of engineering, behavioral science, and epidemiology into study designs.
The Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS) at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute and The Ohio State University (OSU) is a multi-site National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) that focuses exclusively on making children and young adults safer. Through CChIPS, researchers from CHOP, OSU, and the University of Pennsylvania work side by side with Industry members to conduct translational research that is practical to Industry. Of the more than 80 I/UCRC designated centers nationwide, CChIPS is the only one that focuses solely on pediatric injury prevention.
Areas of CChIPS research include:
- Injury biomechanics, mechanisms, and tolerance
- Technological solutions to injury (design, development, and testing)
- How humans interact and behave in relation to safety technology
- Safety promotion and education
- The evaluation of safety devices and behavior modification programs
Learn more about CCHIPS:
For more information on the Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CChIPS), including membership opportunities and current and past research projects, visit the CChIPS website.