Consensus Head Acceleration Measurement Practices (CHAMP)

The Consensus Head Acceleration Measurement Practices (CHAMP) group was founded to develop and recommend best practices for the collection, analysis, and reporting of head acceleration measurement data in sport.  CHAMP workgroups and key stakeholders convened both in person and virtually at a consensus conference held in Philadelphia on March 24-25, 2022.  CIRP researcher, Declan Patton PhD and CIRP PhD candidate, Colin Huber served on several of the workgroups with Kristy Arbogast, PhD, CIRP and Minds Matter Concussion Program co-director, in a leadership role.

The conference prioritized six areas of focus:

  1. Study design and statistical analysis in studies of head acceleration measurement  
  2. Laboratory validation of wearable head kinematic devices  
  3. On-field validation and use of wearable head kinematic devices  
  4. Video analysis of head acceleration events  
  5. Physical reconstruction of head acceleration events  
  6. Computational modeling of head acceleration events  

Work groups were led by experts in the field, who recruited members to their work group for each focus area. These groups drafted consensus statements that outline currently recommended best practices for many aspects of head acceleration measurement. All attendees at the conference participated in an open scientific discussion of the key concepts and then formally voted on each consensus statement. 

Products from this convening include reporting checklists that align with technical manuscripts submitted to and published in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering. The checklists (available below) can be referred to as “CHAMP 2022 Reporting Guidelines” and provide elements necessary for transparent reporting in peer-reviewed literature for studies using these methods. More details are provided in the following publications.

Editorial about CHAMP

Measuring Head Acceleration Like a CHAMP

Select CHAMP Research Publications

Consensus Head Acceleration Measurement Practices (CHAMP): Origins, Methods, Transparency and Disclosure

Consensus Head Acceleration Measurement Practices (CHAMP): Laboratory Validation of Wearable Head Kinematic Devices

Consensus Head Acceleration Measurement Practices (CHAMP): Study Design and Statistical Analysis

On-Field Deployment and Validation for Wearable Devices

Best Practices for Conducting Physical Reconstructions of Head Impacts in Sport

Use of Brain Biomechanical Models for Monitoring Impact Exposure in Contact Sports

Video Analysis of Head Acceleration Events

CHAMP 2022 Reporting Guidelines

CHAMP 2022 Checklist of Information to Include When Reporting Laboratory Validation Studies of Head Acceleration Measurement Devices

CHAMP 2022 Checklist of Information to Include When Reporting Studies of On-Field Deployment and Validation of Wearable Head Acceleration Measurement Devices

CHAMP 2022 Checklist of Information to Include When Reporting Video Reconstruction Studies of Head Acceleration Events

CHAMP 2022 Checklist of Information to Include When Reporting Physical Reconstruction Studies of Head Acceleration Events

CHAMP 2022 Checklist of Information to Include When Reporting Computational Studies of Head Acceleration Events