Students that spend the summer at CIRP as part of the Injury Science Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program remain connected to the Center and its staff. These students have gone on to pursue a variety of educational and professional opportunities, all with the backing of their CIRP mentors. Read about their experiences in these CIRP REU alumni stories:
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CHOP Mentor(s): Akiva S. Cohen, PhD
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "At CIRP, I learned many techniques and skills. With the pleasure of working alongside my PI, Dr. Akiva Cohen, and one of his students, Catherine Ubri, I was able to learn a lot more than expected. Dr. Cohen’s lab studies mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI). The project I worked on was interested in investigating how mTBI impairs fea…
CHOP Mentor(s): Emma Sartin, PhD, MPH, CPST; Morgan O'Donald, MPH, NRP
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "This summer, I had the opportunity to take part in the REU internship at CIRP. During the program, I worked as a Research Assistant on the Preventing Distracted Driving Study (PDD). I was fortunate to be mentored by Morgan O’Donald and Emma Sartin.    My role on the PDD team involved managing the REDCap database,…
CHOP Mentor(s): Elizabeth Silvestro, MSE; Michael Hast, PhD
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "Throughout my REU internship this summer, I was able to expand my knowledge and improve my skillset in so many ways. I spent the summer as a part of both the Additive Manufacturing for Pediatrics 3D Lab at CHOP (CHAMP) and the McKay Orthopaedic Research Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. My focus has been working on designing and…
CHOP Mentor(s): Olivia Podolak, MD
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "My summer internship experience was nothing short of enlightening and fulfilling. Over the past few months, I had the privilege to contribute to a crucial research endeavor aimed at improving Philadelphia sports coaches’ and school nurses’ understanding of concussions in youth. More specifically, I contributed by deidentifying audio t…
CHOP Mentor(s): Valentina Graci, PhD
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "My experience at CIRP this summer opened my eyes to the world of clinical research. I was mentored by Dr. Valentina Graci on a project investigating differences in balance after ACL reconstruction surgery in adolescents. Being involved in data collection, analysis, and abstract writing, I experienced research from a variety of perspec…
CHOP Mentor(s): Jalaj Maheshwari, MSE
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "Over the course of the summer, I worked alongside Jalaj Maheshwari, MSE on a project using finite element analysis simulations to study naturalistically seated pediatric occupants in side impacts. Through my work on this project, I became accustomed to using different finite element analysis software including LS-DYNA, LS Pre-Post an…
CHOP Mentor(s): Elizabeth Walshe, PhD
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "In my summer at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP), I worked on data collection and data operations with the Neuroscience of Driving team. At the start of the summer, we were finishing up collecting data for a Clinical Driving Intervention Pilot Study at one of CHOP’s primary care sites. I got to see firsthand how im…
CHOP Mentor(s): Valentina Graci, PhD; Madeline Griffith, MS
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "Throughout the course of the REU program, I worked with Dr. Valentina Graci and Madeline Griffith, MS on the redesign of an occupant compartment in a centrifuge sled designed to recreate AEB (Automatic Emergency Brake) pulses to determine occupant kinematics. The redesign of the occupant compartment started with an overview on prior w…
CHOP Mentor(s): Thomas Seacrist, MBE
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student (Summer 2023) "My time at CIRP allowed me to grow my data analytics skills and expand my professional network. I spent the summer video coding teen drivers' virtual driving assessment videos and then processing the data using MATLAB. During my final presentation, I demonstrated my skills in data visualization. My biggest takeaway from this internshi…
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