Extending Our Mission: External Research Collaborators

The Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP)'s external research collaborators help extend our mission by identifying innovative ways to strengthen the rigor of injury and violence research.  We collaborate with other departments within Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and with academic institutions inside and outside of Philadelphia, including but not limited to: Drexel University, The Ohio State University, and the Brown University School of Public Health, as well as multiple community organizations, such as Lutheran Settlement House, The Shipley School, and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. In addition, we have industry research partnerships, such as with the Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies’ Industry Advisory Board members. 

CIRP External Research Collaborators

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania
And Beyond
External Research Collaborations Led By CIRP

Collaboration is critical to achieving our mission and, thus, CIRP is the administrative home to several research and outreach multi-group collaborations. These collaborations enhance CIRP’s ability to translate research into action and to advance the field of child injury science. Here are a few examples:

CIRP’s Outreach and Dissemination Partners

The Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP) is committed to collaborating with like-minded child safety organizations that provide injury prevention services to families and communities in order to encourage evidence-based programming and education. Recent external research collaborators include:

Key Past External Research Collaborators

A few past external research collaborators served to advance CIRP research and impact in meaningful ways:

Learn about the Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS):