Research In Action

Research In Action

Research In Action
Our Most Popular Blog Posts of 2020

As the year draws to a close, we want to look back on our most popular 2020 Research In Action posts:

TikTok Challenges: The Latest Dangerous Trend

Learn about several recent dangerous TikTok Challenges and why they're so attractive to teens.

Focusing on Emotional Health in Uncertain Times

Read about steps that caregivers can take to support youth grappling with the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19.

Delaying Graduation to a Booster Seat May Have Safety Benefit

CIRP research reveals the importance of considering developmental and behavioral factors - and not only age, height, or weight - when deciding when to move a child from one child restraint to another.

Opportunities to Reduce Youth Distracted Driving

Dr. Catherine C. McDonald shares why no one strategy will prevent cell phone use while driving in adolescents. Dr. McDonald says it will take a multipronged approach, one that addresses the unique factors that contribute to distracted driving in teen drivers.

Domestic Violence and Social Isolation During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, discover why it is critical that healthcare providers continue to screen for and address domestic violence in all healthcare settings.

Tips for Safely Reopening Driving Schools

Learn how driving schools can safely reopen during COVID-19 with guidelines from CHOP experts and ADTSEA.

When Triage Nurses Are First Line of Defense for Head Trauma

Read about a new CHOP study that examines the effectiveness of telephonic nurse triage for head trauma care.

Pediatric Concussion During COVID-19 Pandemic

What can you do at home if you can’t get to a healthcare provider during COVID-19? CHOP Nurse Practitioner Roni Robinson offers guidance and self-help strategies to share with parents navigating their child's concussion.

Reimagining Unintentional Injury Prevention Counseling

Read about a new CHOP study published in Clinical Pediatrics that describes how pediatric healthcare providers perceive and deliver injury prevention counseling.

New Resource Alert: Updated Rear-Facing Car Seats Video

Watch a new video, updated based on best practice recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, that helps parents and caregivers choose and install the appropriate rear-facing car seat for their infant or toddler.