Research In Action

Research In Action

ICYMI November 2021

Here is our monthly roundup of interesting articles about pediatric injury prevention from the past month: 

Evaluating Mental Health Apps: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

This review article evaluated how often studies of mental health apps used evaluation frameworks that considered issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Pediatrician's Advice for Giving Medications to Kids

CHOP's latest Health Tip offers guidance for families on how to safely administer and store medications.  

Intervention to Reduce Dating Violence Among Middle Schoolers

A recent study finds that a classroom-based intervention using injury prevention, substance use, and growth and development lessons results in statistically significant reduced physical adolescent relationship abuse among middle schoolers. 

Suicide Postvention

Colleges are applying research around the effective steps that should be taken after incidents of suicide to reduce the risk of suicide contagion and help communities heal.  

Fatalities Associated with Cough and Cold Medicines

According to a new study, most fatalities in young children associated with over-the-counter cough and cold medicines involved deliberate administration of the medications by caregivers with non-therapeutic intent (e.g., to sedate or intentionally harm/kill).

State Spending and Child Maltreatment Outcomes

A study finds that increased state spending on local, state, and federal benefit programs was associated with reduced child maltreatment outcomes, including maltreatment-related reporting, substantiation, foster care placement, and fatalities.