Helen S. Loeb, PhD
Research Scientist

An avionics engineer by training, Dr. Loeb has considerable research experience in the design and instrumentation of complex systems. Her strong instrumentation background was a key component in synchronizing the Center for Injury Research and Prevention's (CIRP) driving simulator with an eye-tracker. Her current research interests in teen driving have led her to design methods and metrics to validate the Simulated Driving Assessment, a package of software products that run on a simulator for the purpose of functional driving assessment. Dr. Loeb collaborates with CIRP investigators, The Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies partners, and external consultants to better understand teen driving and develop technology that can promote safety.

As the director of the MetaCHOP Research Affinity Group at CHOP Research Institute, Dr. Loeb also facilitates communication and collaboration between quantitative scientists and clinicians at CHOP and the University of Pennsylvania.


BS, Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (Aeronautics), 1988

MS, Institut Supérieur de l'Aonautique et de l'Espace (Avionics), 1988

PhD,  Université de Bordeaux (Robotics), 1996

Research Scientist


Best Paper Award, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 2016

Pubmed ID:Helen S. Loeb, PhD

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